One of the biggest challenges I face when designing a home is availability of unique products and the lead time it takes to receive them. Chain furniture stores often have up to twelve week delivery delays and, as luck would have it, most clients I work with want everything yesterday. So, waiting just isn't always the best option. My other roadblock...budgets. In many cases, especially in this economy, hefty budgets for interior design are next to zero, so I'm forced to get creative when filling a house. Meet my favorite new source; One Kings Lane ( The chair on top in this photo is $399 and ships immediately and the unique, reclaimed wood coffee table is $219! To enter the site you must give an email address (yes, this can be slightly annoying when forced to sign in) but once in, a world of discounted, unique pieces are available at drastic discounts. Here's the hook; each day new pieces are offered in an ebay-style sale with limited quantities and once an item is added to your basket you only have ten minutes to complete your transaction. Quantities are limited and certain pieces might no repeat each day, so if you see something you love, you've got to act. So, here's your opportunity to live like a frantic designer searching for the perfect piece and amazing prices...grab your mouse and have fun!