Not your mothers folding chair!

Joe is in LA this week, so last night I poured myself a glass of wine, lit the Christmas trees and did one of my favorite alone-time activities...wandered through the pages of old photo albums. No iphone, ipad, ipod, itunes or on-demand tonight, just fun reflection. What did I learn? Without doubt, I got my flare for the creative side of life from my mother, a full-time working Queen of domesticity since the day I was born. From German pancakes on the weekends to homemade advent calendars for Christmas (I hang one every year she made out of felt in 1975!), creative summer parties to treating a guest like royalty; a visit with my mom feels like a perfect vacation. To walk into my mothers home, whether in the midst of construction, after (or before) a move, at the end of a crazy week or the beginning of a long holiday, my mother gives those around her the gift of knowing they matter. Of course you can expect clean sheets and bath towels waiting for you upon arrival, but it's the little details that make you, the guest, feel like a million bucks. Slippers and a robe in the closet, hors d'oeuvres waiting when you arrive, meals you'd never have in any five star restaurant and a warm, inviting, radiant smile that brings you in, hugs your soul and makes you feel like the most important person on the planet. People often compare her to Martha Stewart but, unlike Martha, my mothers not a power bitch. Nor is she a millionaire. She created a brilliant, rich life for her family because she just knows how to do it! A real domestic diva, after all, doesn't dip your toilet paper in gold, she offers your roommate that doesn't have anywhere else to go her seat at the dinner table. Class is not learned in the classroom. It is practiced every day of your life. Open a door for someone, express your love, be grateful and thankful and, when you can, offer someone you normally wouldn't a seat at your table!
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm still the one at the table that talks about farts, boobs, idiots, fucking, sucking and pearcing...all thanks to my Philosopher father who will be mentioned in a later post...but no matter where you sit on the side of whatever fence, you should always offer your guests a comfortable seat! Metal and plastic-pretending-to-be-leather folding chairs are NOT COMFORTABLE for anyone unless they've lost all feeling in the butt cheek area. As you prepare for holiday meals, prepare to have extra people at your table and grab these great bamboo folding chairs at Target for $19.99/each.
COST: $19.99/each
STRESS LEVEL: offering a nice seat for a guest: LOW

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