Back to the future

I met an interesting couple this weekend at a party and enjoyed talking about everything from building computers to choosing the perfect love seat for an over-sized guest bedroom (he is an engineer and she is a stay at home Mom). The second he said he was an engineer I flashed back to 1990, sitting in a stale, bright, cold room plopped at an ugly round table on a Saturday morning preparing to take the SAT's. I wasn't prepared for the questions I was about to face, I knew anything I said was going to be wrong and make me look like the moron by brother had told me I was for years, and I broke into a flop sweat. Well, I guess meeting Mr. and Mrs Engineer wasn't quite as dramatic, but this man is building a computer in his spare time, and not the calling 1-800-DELL kind of building, literally building a computer from ground up! In my spare time I pick out wallpaper and throw pillows for my vintage trailer that smells like mouse pee and moth balls! Then, Mrs Engineer asked a question and my fears were put to rest; "so where do you like to shop for cheap furniture? Any good deals around here?" I felt like the only Doctor at a party, even Mr. Engineer asked where he could find a chair similar to the one he had as a kid. I shared a story about a recent job where I designed a 1970's bungalow in the Hudson River Valley head to toe in retro-chic. In Manhattan you can make your face and your living room look like 1973 without leaving a two block radius, but an hour north of the city it's a little more complicated, unless you know where to go for the goods! George Nelson has designed a line of mid-century modern clocks for Home Goods (can also be found at TJ Maxx and Marshall's). These Eames-inspired pieces cost close to $1,000 at stores like Design Within Reach and Roche Boibois, but a mere $29.99 at Home Goods. So, if you want your pad to look like you're livin in the good ole days, head to Home Goods where prices (and products) are retro-fabulous!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Home Goods are located across the country, clock sets up in seconds
COST: $29.99 for this and other styles (like the classic multi-colored number spotted everywhere)
STRESS LEVEL: Getting a big bang for my buck: LOW

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