Most days I can't bear to look at it. Then again, there are those days I feel somewhat secure enough to stare it straight on, grin and push on with my day feeling fairly confident in my abilities. Today wasn't one of those days. Design budgets can be as varied as a lineup on the "Biggest Loser." Some men have bigger boobs than the women, some are tall, small, wide on the bottom or heavy on top. The same goes for interior design budgets in rough economic times. Given the challenge to redesign a guest bathroom from tile floors up to ceiling fan (which I, of course, will replace with a chandelier I found online for $150), my budget was less than a night out in a moderately expensive town. To make this home look good and stay within budget, I headed to the wall of mirrors on display at our neighborhood Home Goods. I used to think this store was as tacky as Lee Press on nails and Tyra Banks, but now I've fallen in love! Any mirror of my choice, any size, shape, color or weight could be mine for less than $75! I grabbed one for $35, found strong hinges used for hanging a bedroom door, and replaced a 1970's medicine cabinet door (centered in the MIDDLE of the vanity wall) with this gorgeous mirror. The total project cost less than a day at the Spa and, hopefully, will make my client go ohhh la la!!
COST: Mirror at Home Goods $35, hinges from Home Depot $5.96
STRESS LEVEL: Facing a cool mirror head on: LOW

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