Last week the temperature finally rose above the "holy crap, is it really still this cold?" mark so we pulled out the ladders, opened all of the windows and officially prepared our house for spring. For Joe, that meant climbing into our dark, hot, claustrophobic attic to remove plastic from the roof vents to allow the house to take a deep breath of fresh, spring air. For me, it meant standing on a ladder by the attic door holding a flash light, thanking the heavens above that I was with someone brave enough to tackle this tedious task. Some people discover flowers in the attic, but Joe found something far more interesting in ours. An old window (complete with bat feces, mouse droppings and Cob webs) was calling out to be rescued, so I took it upon myself to give this little window a new opportunity. I've always been fascinated by old windows. In LA I'd rummage through yard sales and antique shops for stained glass pieces to hang in modern kitchen windows, I re-purposed large glass doors as dining room tables, shower doors or lined several up in a backyard as an interesting gate around a garden. So this little gem Joe stumbled upon gave me an opportunity to create something interesting and useful. Using left over plexi glass from one of last years projects (sheets of plexi glass can be purchased at any home improvement store..and cut to size on the spot..for less than $5) I cleaned up the window with windex and bleach and thought up a few ideas: plexi on one side could serve as an interesting cheese platter for parties. I found pieces of an old banister and thought of using them as legs for a cool coffee table. In the end, however, I took vintage post cards from our area, mounted them with double stick artist tape on one side of the plexi glass (can easily be removed without damaging post card) and glued the plexi to the windows frame, creating a one-of-a-kind frame. Now we have an intersting window into our past.
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Fifteen minutes
COST: $0
STRESS LEVEL: finding an interesting design opportunity: LOW

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