Trying to find unique, inexpensive, mass-produced artwork for your home that won't look like you shopped on Cheapskate Lane, is like trying to hire an actress in Hollywood who hasn't had plastic surgery; next to impossible! I don't judge people who purchase art from the gallery of "Z," but why spend a bundle on crapola when you can create a masterpiece for a lot less moola? If you just don't have the time to save a dime, I found the interesting pieces above at West Elm for $9.95. These silver-dipped leaves are framed in shadow boxes and, on clearance, are a total steal. But, to get more bang for a clients buck I headed to Ikea and purchased three frames for under $4, picked up a few plastic plants and flowers and performed minor surgery on her naked walls. To create a gallery of interest on a large, blank wall I removed the backs of the frames and placed nail hooks on the frame itself. I then chopped the artificial plants, flowers and twigs into individual pieces and hung one piece with cable nails (those crazy "U" shaped nails your cableman uses to secure wire to your baseboards, etc. Available at all home improvement stores, Radio Shack, etc.) to the wall. By placing the frame OVER the leaf, flower, etc. I created a "how'd he do that" scene on the wall. I don't make it a habit to purchase fake plants, but every now and then even I favor plastic!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Fifteen minutes.

COST: Frames at Ikea $.95/each, plastic plants at Michaels $4.95, cable nails $1.99

STRESS LEVEL: Making a cool wall of fake: LOW

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