Deck the walls (and your balls) with boughs of holly...and glitter, ribbon, satin..anything to don your gay apparel this holiday season! Tis the season to be jolly and gay so why not go all out and play with your balls! Sure, bring out your old, dusty ones but why not take a little time to make special balls this holiday. Follow me in merry measure (to Target) and pick up a box of plain balls, fa la la la la la la la la. Fast away the old year passes (get a bottle of glitter glue, wrapping ribbon and go to town). Sing we joyous all together....in a few simple steps you'll create something that'll bring great pleasure!
Fa la la la la....
I grabbed a cheap box of plain balls, cut a few pieces of ribbon and glued them on with glitter glue and a few other bedazzled knick knacks. They're fun and look beautiful on the tree or make a great hostess gift!
COST: Twelve plain balls at Target: $3.99
STRESS LEVEL: Having a ball playing with our balls: LOW

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