Twas the night before Christmas, when all through our house the only creature stirring was me, quiet as a mouse. While our stockings were hung from the chimney with care, I thought to myself, I wish my parents were here! The puppies were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of the cat danced in their heads. Joe asked for a kerchief but I bought him a cap, I hope he'll settle for all of this crap! At dawn will it matter, if all I bought him was a silly ladder? Then I saw it in a flash, he'll love it all because I spent so little cash!
Who knew one of Joe's favorite Christmas presents would be a Crock Pot I picked up as a gag gift (well, the thought of it made me gag) at Target for under $50! Our living room looked like a scene from the annoying Lexus commercial where the ridiculously wealthy couple exchange cars for Christmas...Joe was, indeed, that excited about this little appliance. I quickly discovered that these pots aren't the crock of sh*t I thought they were..they're actually trending in 09! Target even sells at how-to-crock book! So, rush out tomorrow and get one on sale and enjoy a happy, happy holiday!
COST: $39.99 at Target (Crocks range from $19.99+)
STRESS LEVEL: The Pot is half full: LOW

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