Primaries of any kind, in my opinion, are a pain in the neck! Give someone the power to vote and it'll just take longer to make a decision! For us, the issue is far more complicated than black vs. white. Joe wants a big change, I just want to clean up the current mess. Like Michigan and Florida, we're split right down the middle. The walls in our home are all derivatives of primary, green and blue. Lovely on a swatch (or color wheel) but bold colors don't always translate on a wall. In an attempt to hear all sides (and gather enough votes to swing the decision my way) I took Joe with me this weekend to choose a color for our upstairs bathroom. We both agree that the current state is unacceptable but couldn't find the perfect candidate. So, the dictator in me took charge today between meetings, purchased a color and will paint the night away...hope the end result wins your vote tomorrow!
TIME TO COMPETE TASK: Check it out tomorrow! I've made a bet with Joe that I can paint it faster than he can change his mind!
COST: $17.99/gallon of paint
STRESS LEVEL: Mellowing out the Yellow: LOW

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