I love, love, love collecting Kitchenware, bakeware, pots, pans, utensils.. basically, anything and everything Kitchen. The funny thing...I have NO clue how to use any of it! In college while waiting in a Dentists office for a teeth cleaning, I found myself thumbing through a copy of Martha Stewart Living. This particular month focused on "Collecting Yellowware" a vintage pottery from the east coast used in everyday cooking applications. I was hooked and found myself obsessed with finding those simple bowls with precious bands of color. My friends thought I was totally insane..most of them were spending money on beer while I was hunting the aisles of antique shops looking for the next big BOWL. Today my collections range from Yellowware to Fiestaware and now, thanks to my Aunt Rita, I have a new collection of McCoy pottery...better known as "THE REAL MCCOY." They're simple, clean and beautiful. I love them. So, how do I display my collections? I use them...old butter crocks are used to hold cooking utensils and yellowware bowls display fruits, vegetables and bread on our counter tops. Be careful, however, as some bowls with cracks can expose lead and should not be used for cooking. Here's what I've done in our kitchen to display them:
1.) I headed off to the Swedish furniture chain and purchased stainless shelves for $19.99/piece.
2.) Not sure we'd be hitting studs on our walls, I ran off to the home improvement store and for $.79/each purchased anchors that can hold up to 300 pounds when screwed into drywall.
3.) Joe fired up the driver (not of our limo..but of the drill variety).
4.) I held the shelves with a level on top, Joe marked, we drilled the screws into the wall. And presto!

COST: $27.99 (not including collections, of course)
STRESS LEVEL: Low (for me) Medium (for Joe who wasn't sure if the shelves would hold)

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