I can't believe that of all of the classes I would have enjoyed taking in High School I did NOT choose Home Economics! What was I thinking? Aside from a room filled with dumb jocks trying to pass an easy class by learning how to sew and bake (who wouldn't pay to watch that?), it's one of the few examples of where I would actually use the skills in my current career and life. Algebra? Not so much. Chemistry? Don't think so! Sewing, like golf and tennis (yes, I learned how to play both in High School) is something I will use forever. THAT SAID, I need to come clean about a blog from SEVEN YEARS AGO. One weekend I opened my mouth to whine about a rip in our sofa and a few days later a brand new sewing machine arrived in the mail as a gift AND motivator. Joe, tired of listening to me complain, wanted me to take matters into my own hands. Truth told, I opened the directions and my eyes glazed over. I taped the box up and never looked back, until this weekend. When I braved instruction manual this time I laughed out loud (and was slightly appalled) by the image of a woman's foot in a slipper working the sewing machine. What is this, 1955? Once I got through the tedious steps of setting up the bobble (whatever the hell that is), the thread and tested the machine, I was sewing like Betsy Ross! Before I launch into all of the projects I plan on attacking with my new bro (we have the Brother XL2016...look at me, sounding like a pro already) I'm going to start with a small project of making curtains for my vintage travel trailer. I'll post pictures here soon, probably after I reach out to my mother-in-law for help! Pillow cases, slip covers, artwork...all on the horizon. Who knew this could be SEW fun (bad, I know)!!

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