What's the first thing you do in the morning after waking up?  If you are like us, after clearing the nights rest from your eyes and navigating around a sleepy, snoring (often gas-passing) dog, you wrestle your way to that must-have appliance; the coffee pot.  Ours often wakes us up as I set it the night before to finish its brew process shortly after our alarm has gone off.  During the work week our coffee chat lasts about 45 minutes, then Joe jumps in the shower and I jump on the TV to get "top stories" from the Today Show.  As I listened to what's brewing in our world this morning while sipping my second cup, I laughed to myself about how things have changed, even the news.  The Today Show has a segment now called THE ORANGE ROOM where Carson Daly (a former host of a teen music show on MTV) tells us who's hash tagging what, what is trending in social media, etc.  EVEN our First Lady will respond to world events with a hashtag (#).  REALLY?  I just can't believe it.  While I love Facebook for providing a snapshot of peoples lives we normally would not connect with on a daily basis, I'm still not hip (or fully comprehending) why we twitter, instagram, or hashtag anything.  But, speaking of the orange room..here are my design HOT TOPICS for the day.  It's spring (I can tell by my runny nose and watery eyes) and that means it's time to put a little POP in your house.  How about adding some ORANGE TO IT?  The top photo was simple..cheap canvases splashed with paint add a much needed pop of color to an otherwise drab room.  The bottom photo is yet another one of my easy tip favorites…paint the back of a bookshelf for a truly newsworthy topic!  #CoolDesignIdeas

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