The weather on the east coast lately has been about as nutty as some of Hollywood's young starlets.  Last week was well below freezing and saw snow levels rise to over a foot and according to Al Roker we might flirt with 60 degrees on Sunday!!  While everyone bitches and moans about the cold weather, I secretly love it and think there's no better way to create the perfect mood for this wonderful holiday than fresh, white snow.  Like many things in life, though, I guess you've just got to enjoy it while you've got it!  The same can be said of furniture, really.  The two pieces above were rescued from yard sales and one, believe it or not, from the Salvation Army.  With a little white paint these pieces were transformed (the dining room table with high gloss white from Benjamin Moore and the coffee table with a white washed paint from the Home Depot).  So, if you're dreaming of a white Christmas this year you, too, can make that happen!
**in both cases the pieces were in pretty good condition so only needed mild sanding with a very fine paper (rough sand paper would leave scratches and the paint would only accentuate those).  Ask at the home depot if you can't find the right paint how to "white wash" and you'll discover it's a heck of a lot easier than you think!

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