Don't you love daily reminders that whisper (or in my case, scream) in your ear, "hey, jerk, you're getting older by the minute!"  I can't believe that just a few short years ago when I was in college (short to the third power, that is) courses were offered for design students focusing on 3D drawings. I took four of these classes over a two year period (probably costing in the area of $5,000 when you break down tuition costs per class).  Today I can barely create legible drawings when playing "Scattegories" (the same can be said for my command of the Spanish language after four years of espanol, but we won't go there).  My first internships at two shows ("Days of Our Lives" and "Frasier") hired highly skilled individuals and paid hefty salaries for them to draw renderings of sets for each episode.  The art directors would spend hours upon hours creating intricate drawings for the production crew.  And today, with the tap of an app at the bargain basement cost of $9.99, you can swipe and click away to the perfect interior design of your choice.  I've talked about Home Design 3D (an app I purchased a few years ago for my iPad) but Interior Design for ipad brings even more options, easier functionality and simple ways of sharing your designs with anyone, anywhere.  Like any tech application I suggest lighting a candle and pouring a glass of wine before diving into this one.  While fairly easy to navigate, it still takes a bit of getting used to, but in no time your ideas go from simple thoughts to beautiful three dimensional renderings.  Planning a kitchen renovation this summer?  Don't wait for an architect to draw plans and charge you thousands, download this app and show him what you want! Dying to freshen up your master bedroom but can't picture what anything will look like? This app comes with hundreds of furniture pieces, textiles, accessories, wall colors and wallpaper.  If it doesn't have something you like, you can download an image from the internet.  While advances in technology continue to blow me away, I get great pleasure in impressing clients with colorful, beautiful renderings in far less time, for far less money than ever before.  So, tap into your inner designer by tapping this app today!

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