NO MO!!!

Born, raised and corrupted on the west coast, I have said many times how totally blown away I am after moving to New York state. I, like many I imagine, thought the state would look a lot like its mascot, Manhattan...big, crowded, dirty, loud with a urine scented cloud floating overhead. Boy was I wrong! Just 50 miles north of Manhattan our neck of the woods couldn't be more polar opposite from my early visions of crime and filth. That beauty, however, comes at a cost. Growing up in the southwest, I longed to live somewhere with an abundance of greenery, lakes, weather, changing seasons, snowstorms and thunderstorms. Well, we've got all of that for sure, but with all of those things I love about summer (like rain and thunderstorms) come nasty, wretched mosquitos! And boy do they love me! We had an unusually wet summer this year (thanks to Hurricane Irene), so our ponds and lakes runneth over! Those moist areas, which surround our house, tend to be nirvanah for mosquitos. Last month I read an article in Camping Life Magazine about controlling the mosquito population around your home during the summer months, and this product was top rated at doing just that. The Therma Cell Mosquito Repellant Lantern is not only attractive, it KILLS MOSQUITOS within a 20 foot radius. This isn't the bug zapper we've all seen, it's a quiet, clean way to keep the bugs at bay. We popped onto, ordered a few for $19.99 and enjoyed a lovely evening under the stars, mosquito free!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Comes assembled
COST: $19.99/each
STRESS LEVEL: Saying NO MO to the Mosquitos: LOW

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