One Bright Tip!

There is nothing I love more than repurposing something in a fun, creative way. Take an old flower pot, for example, paint the inside a fun color and fill it with things you like, put a glass top on it and use as an outdoor cocktail table. An example from a tip last week, use old sweaters as fabric for seat cushions, purchase inexpensive clip lights at the Home Depot or Lowes (they're usually $1/each) and paint a bright color to use as lighting anywhere in your home, hang vintage knobs on your bathroom wall as towel get the idea. Last Christmas Joe made fun of me when I purchased a remote controlled switch socket at Bed Bath & Beyond, until he saw how useful it was and how much time we saved. The system is sold around the holidays to help with multiple lit ornaments...plug your Christmas tree into one socket, push the button on the remote and light the tree from anywhere in your house. For us, with three Christmas trees, lit ornaments in every window, etc. it helped to turn everything on and OFF in seconds. After the holidays (this is where the repurposing comes in) I simply plugged our house lamps into them (each set comes with 3-4 sockets controlled by one remote. Plug a socket into an outlet, add an extension cord if desired or power strip to plug as many lamps as you'd like). Again, Joe mocked me and said it was like having a clapper, but at the end of the night to walk into the room, grab the remote and turn off all the lights in one second, hey, I'll take that! In staging jobs it makes it incredibly easy for a realtor to show perspective buyers when they walk in and can light up the house in seconds. So, when contemplating that purchase of something you might think is a bit silly, imagine the possibilities and just CHARGE IT!!!
COST: This system is called the "Remote Controlled Switch Socket" on Amazon for $16.99
STRESS LEVEL: Lighting up in seconds: LOW

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