NO MO Mosquitos!

I mentioned last week to have your pumpkin carving tools ready today when I would hopefully have a few great, unique ideas to share. Well, low and behold I was shocked to find NOT ONE pumpkin in the Hudson Valley. The Grinch stole Christmas, but it looks like Hurricane Irene tried to steal Halloween by destroying many of the eastern pumpkin farms, making supply far less than the demand for this time of year. I was promised, however, that a huge batch would arrive by the weekend, so you'll have to save the carving for next week. Speaking of Hurricane Irene and ALL THE RAIN we've had this summer (which, as a Seattle born kid I LOVE), but can't stand the mosquitos that flock to every pond or sitting pool of water in our area. For some reason I could be in the middle of twenty people freshly dipped in honey, yet I'd be the only one suffering from mosquito bites. I can't stand them, so after reading an article in Camping World Magazine about the best repellents on the market (earlier this summer, by the way, I went camping and stuck dryer sheets in my pockets and they worked like a charm at keeping those pesky jerks away) I stumbled upon this great outdoor lantern at the Home Depot called the TempCELL mosquito repellent lantern. Add a few cartridges of repellent (which last 12 hours) and enjoy a peaceful night outdoors without the buzz of mosquitos in your ears!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Order online or walk into any Home Depot or Lowes
COST: $24 per lantern
STRESS LEVEL: Enjoying a bite-free meal outdoors: LOW

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