Enjoy a flick in the shade!

One of my favorite things about the back to school season (besides the absence of screaming children in stores, coffee shops, restaurants, etc. in the middle of the day) are all of the sales on summer goodies. Typically I buy off season anyway, so picking up a staple that can be used year after year doesn't bother me when it's off season. For example, now is NOT the time to buy an artificial Christmas tree, ornaments, tree skirt, garland or other holiday goodies (best time is in February online... I picked up great, funky, hip ornaments at West Elm for $.50/each in February and in November they were $10/each) same goes for summer fare. Target had awesome outdoor chairs, umbrellas, cookware and anything and everything summer and, of course, I bought in July only to find most of the items marked down 75% yesterday. So, when I happened upon this steal of a deal on Overstock.com, I had to pick it up. I love the idea of stretching a sail cloth across an area of our yard during the summer and serving friends cocktails while enjoying the great outdoors (here, however, we'd be eaten alive by bugs, so this is better suited for Southern California). Because this sail cloth is normally $125 but marked down to $35, I thought of an interesting way to repurpose it...I LOVE the vintage movie projector I picked up on ebay a few years ago for $15 (it plays movies, slide shows, or anything you heart desires) and thought it would be cool to flip the sail cloth on its side and project movies off of it while our guests enjoy sipping and munching on outdoor glories of summer. Summer might be over, but the sales are just beginning!!!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Overstock ships in 7-10 days. Set up of sail cloth takes about 20 minutes
COST: Shipping is $1, so sail cloth cost $42.95
STRESS LEVEL: Entertaining our guests while saving money: LOW

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