You light up my life

I overheard someone once ask, "do you really want to live in a beige world," when commenting on the color choices in my home. My answer; yes, in fact, I do! When you paint your walls in a monochromatic, simple tone the door to bright, colorful furniture, fabrics, window coverings, etc. opens wide. A few weeks ago I picked up these great, very retro, Eames school chairs at a garage sale. In this example I think form will follow function as a few minutes parked on these babies, and your tush will be saying OHHH BABY, so maybe I'll use them as side tables or, as I've done in the meantime, placed them on either side of a beige bar console, against a beige wall in my very, very beige room. Sometimes all you need is a little splash of color to make a tidal wave of difference! Another example, last night I took a friend to Home Goods where we purchased bright orange lamp shades with white embroidered leaves to spruce up a few boring lamps in her home. UPS uses to the slogan, "What can brown do for you" and I ask, "what can a little color add to a brown wall??"
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: a few minutes
COST: Rare garage sale find chairs, $10/each, bright lampshades at Home Goods, $15/each
STRESS LEVEL: Coloring my life HAPPY, LOW

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