Right on, Target!

If you've been reading the last few months you know my main focus has been restoring a vintage travel trailer to use as my home office. The process has been challenging and incredibly fun; I set out to do the entire project for under $500, including making it road-worthy with new tires, etc. Well, I've gone just a wee bit over that budget and I have Target to blame for most of it! My search for everything vintage took me to the aisles of Target a few weeks ago...actually, my search for toothpaste, detergent and diet coke took me to Target, my wandering eye led me to the aisles where I spent the most money. If you want affordable, hip, fun outdoor items for your summer fun, head no further than the round, red Target in your neighborhood. For $1.99/each I found these great orange and turquoise tumblers and the set of three nesting bowls, which mimic vintage Bauerware bowls from the 60's, were $19.99 for the set. Made of tough plastic, they are perfect for the great outdoors, come with lids so you can store your food AWAY from the great outdoors when you're finished, and the price is hard to beat!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: These are only available in stores and, at least on the east coast where winter was long and cold, people are snatching these up
COST: Cups were $1.49-$1.99 according to size, nesting bowls were $19.99
STRESS LEVEL: Great deals on cool things: LOW

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