The truth is, only if you have animals do you understand the true impact they can have on your life. Last year we lost our lovely Bones (behind Canyon in this photo) and, honestly, not a day goes by that we don't think about him. If you don't have animals, most likely that comment makes your eyes roll, but the starring roles in our house are always played by our K-9 friends. What does that mean, you ask? Your favorite chair, new sofa or expensive rugs are no longer your prized possessions if you have animals, because everything in your home is theirs. Trying to keep animals off of furniture is like praying that politicians won't lie, babies won't cry on airplanes and Monday mornings won't suck. I kinda feel like a smoker. If you come to our house, guess what, it's going to smell like smoke. Or, in our case, DOG. We try and try to get rid of the lovely scent of animal, but even our yuppie puppy stinks from time to time. So, before we have guests over I race around the house cleaning up after Canyon with help from my favorite Doctor. Purchase Pet Fresh or Fabreze and you'll simply mask the smell (often making it smell like Floral Poo), to get rid of it entirely I scrub everything with a rag drenched in Dr. Bronner's organic castile soap. Trader Joe's carries this great product (or Cost Plus, Target, etc.) that not only removes dirt and grime but takes paint, grease and other messes far away. Because my favorite spot to read the Sunday paper is Canyon's favorite spot to nap every day, it gets a bit nappy from time to time. So, I grab a wet rag, fill it with Dr. Bronners, scrub the heck out of the sofa then wipe it clean with another wet rag. The pungent smell long, long gone!
COST: $7 at Target
STRESS LEVEL: Swiftly cleaning with this nifty soap: LOW

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