The other day, while aimlessly roaming the aisles of a discount chain, I heard a kid say, "Mom, this is soooo rad!" Now, I haven't heard the term "rad" used since I had a perm, braces and was often seen wearing socks with flip flops. In other words, it's been a while! Then, I too, squeaked, RAD, when I popped into Marshalls and found boxes and boxes of Vintage Radko Ornaments for $9.99/each. Christopher Radko is known for his expensive, flashy, often over-done holiday ornaments but has stepped back in time to create a special "vintage" collection for this holiday season. At any other retail establishment (Macy's, Neiman Marcus, etc.) a box of six ornaments sells for $27 but good ole Marshalls (also TJ Maxx and Home Goods) sells them at a drastically reduced rate. Once on a Christmas tree or hung on garland, they sparkle like nothing you've seen...unless you knew me as a teenager! So, throw on your coat, zip out to Marshalls and, as Christopher Radko once wrote in a book for me, "enjoy the sparkle of the season."
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Times running out, so grab them while you can!
COST: $9 for a box of six Radko Vintage ornaments
STRESS LEVEL: Saving while singing a holiday song: LOW

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