My broker thinks I'm filthy rich. My piggy bank, she says, is overflowing with positive stocks. My broker, however, has four legs, big paws and a tail that wags every time my lips form the expression that starts with "tr" and ends with "eat." Yes, Canyon, our asset manager at home seems to think when her bag of pig ears is full, we're rich. I try to explain (by leaving NPR on the radio when we leave) that stocks and bonds don't live and die in our kitchen. Cheese and milk, yes. To her, the most important market to invest in is the one down the street that sells donuts, hamburger meat and cheese. The stock market is lost on Canyon. And, I'm kinda lost on the stock market. Someday I'll have enough at the end of a pay period to invest in something that will bring a smile to my face, but for now I invest in things like Christmas Stockings. We'll call it knick-knack equity, if you will, and I've got a lot of it! Christmas is, mittens down, my favorite time of year. You might think I'm a little nuts to blog about Christmas in August, but I can tell you where to find a great Nutcracker before anyone else does! This year I'm trying to get a head start on a few personalized stockings. And, if I take care of a few of these expenses now I won't feel the punch to my wallet as much in November when people flock to markets around the world to spend, spend, spend. There's something about a stocking hung with care that just brings a smile to my face...much like, I assume, a billionaire reviewing her portfolio and smirking at the zeros mounting at the end of her total worth. Because I'm not worth a lot (in dollars) I search for great deals and Lands End never lets me down ( For $22.50 you can purchase a beautifully handcrafted stocking with free personalization. If your stocks are up this year, splurge at Horchow with the beautiful hand woven pieces (too rich for my blood at $195/each). So this holiday season start early so you can spend a little dough to make someone feel dear!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Two weeks to ship
COST: Stockings at Lands End are $22.50 with free personalization. Horchow stockings are $198
STRESS LEVEL: Getting a great deal in this market: LOW

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