Usually I'm a very calm, collected, sane person but when I walk into a disorganized mess, I become filled with rage. In my opinion, there is no excuse for messy behavior! When a client hires me to help organize their home, I explain that once the time and expense of setting up a "system" is in place, there's no need to go back to dirty, disorganized ways of the past. For example, meet Client X, we'll call her Ms. Swiff. I can honestly say I've never met anyone in my life who had more boxes of Swiffer refills. I mean, I love a swiffer sheet just as much as the next gay guy, but lady...what the heck was she doing with all of these? They were in her car, the garage, laundry, kitchen, bathrooms and just about every other nook and cranny in her humble abode. What I explained to Ms. Swiff was that once we created a special place for Swiffer central, she'd never forget where she left them. Need more, check the Swiffer area. It's as easy as that. Now meet the Priestess at the house I choose to worship; Martha Stewart and her latest collection for Home Depot. To straighten out the heaps of junk in our guest bathroom, I headed to the Home Depot and got lucky in the plant department where I picked up two four-shelf wooden shelving units for $10/each (on sale from $29). I then bought fabric covered foldable drawers from the Martha Stewart collection (complete with blank labels) ($6/each) for towels, sheets, bath accessories, etc. I slapped some stain I had left over from a previous project to spruce up the shelves and in a few short hours I went from full of rage to a room full of organized storage!
COST: Martha Stewart foldable fabric drawers $6/each at the Home Depot
STRESS LEVEL: Making sense of a bunch of nonsense: LOW

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