Long time no blog, I know, but I've been a busy bee working on various projects while trying to come up with interesting topics to blog about. Mostly I try to share ideas I've used with clients, often I share the secrets friends have shared with me (or recipes Joe has served me at home)and sometimes, sadly, I reveal the tips I've tripped upon in my day to day life by accident. Take today's tip. If you read the last few entries you know I'm dieting so CLEARLY I'm not eating rice, but I happened upon this box of instant bloat after I dropped my lifeline...my blackberry...into a sink of soapy water. Verizon doesn't care if I'm a fastidious cleaner, worried about sparkling dishes and clean surfaces (I love shining our stainless steel counter tops with fresh lemon, for example) if I dropped my phone in water, in their blurry eyes, I'm an idiot and should pay for my obvious stupidity. Well, after paying far too much for service that is far from perfect, I refuse to give in to the mobile phone gestapo. So, I turned on my designer cap and thought..humm...rice absorbs the water in my stomach, so why not the water in my phone. After a little online research (and a big headache after hours without my phone) I discovered that I certainly wasn't the first to drop an expensive phone in a bucket of water and definitely wasn't the first to try this trick, but I'm going to share it with you anyway. If you happen to slip into my predicament, here's what you do: remove your battery from your phone, place both in a Ziploc back and fill the bag with rice. Leave it overnight and by the time the sun rises so will the bars on your phone!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Leave phone and battery in rice overnight
COST: If you have it in your cabinet, $0 if not about $3.99
STRESS LEVEL: happy about rice the morning after: LOW

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