We've all heard the saying (hopefully not while staying at someones home) that guests are often like fish; they start to stink after a few days. Well, I don't believe that mainly because I don't often invite dirty people to stay over. Also, just in case they're a little rough around the edges, I'm prepared. Last week I showed you the inexpensive, cool Martha Stewart drawers I found at the Home Depot and shortly after that posting someone emailed me asking where to find the shelving units I mentioned that I also purchased at the Home Depot on sale for $10. Well, here they are. In our part of the country, most home improvement centers sold out of outdoor goods around the fourth of July, because when you suffer through months of cold, you tend to grab onto every ray of sunshine you can. So, I was lucky to find these garden shelves marked from $30 to $10. In our fairly large guest bathroom we have a huge storage problem, so I thought these would be the perfect solution. Because you can label each drawer, (and yes, you may roll your eyes after reading this) I type labels for each overnight guest and slip them into the label windows on each drawer. One is for fresh towels and sheets and the other is for toiletries. I slapped a coat of stain we had in our garage from a previous project on the shelves to protect them from the damp bathroom, wet towels, etc. and because they were only $10 I don't really care if they get ruined in a year. So, if your guests stink just think it can all be contained in a nifty little drawer from Ms. You-know-who!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Fifteen minutes to stain each shelf
COST: shelves $10/each, drawers $6/each at the Home Depot and online at
STRESS LEVEL: organizing my guests so they have a lovely stay: LOW

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