After losing our Bones last week, I haven't been in the mood to write because every morning when I typed away at my computer, Bones was at my feet swatting for attention. But, like everything in life, it's time to get on with things. To take my mind off of losing Bones, I strolled through the aisles of one of my LEAST favorite stores, Walmart, last week because (and this will sound terrible, I know) when I see the customers, it always makes me feel better about my life. Then, there it was...like the attractive person at the other end of the bar that made butterflies zip around once upon a time...the "AS SEEN ON TV" aisle. Now, usually I avoid any item with an "AS SEEN ON TV" label on it like I avoid political conversations with Republicans, but today for some reason I dove right in and found TWO things I fell in love with. The PED EGG (don't judge) is a brilliant little device for those of you trying to pinch pennies, for $12 give yourself a pedicure at home! Then, right next to it sat the OVE GLOVE. After reading an article in Consumer Reports this week that rated this handy little helper higher than any other oven mitt, I picked up two. Truth told, our dear friend Diana gave us one last winter and it quickly became Joe's best friend as he'd use it to load our woodstove but, as the label on the box claims, this glove won't burn and can withstand heat far greater than any Williams Sonoma fancy mitt! So, next time you need a hand in the kitchen, reach for the Ove Glove and you're guaranteed to fall head over heels in love!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Usually ships in 2-3 days and will take you a second to love
COST: Prices start at $12 and can be found everywhere from Amazon to Walmart
STRESS LEVEL: Falling in love without getting burned: LOW

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