Oh, a tea party! Leave it to Republicans to ruin what was once such a lovely, civilized engagement between friends. This so called "movement" by the conservative party no longer conjures up images of delicious sandwiches and fun banter whilst sipping a cup of tea. Instead, loud Republicans gather around the country to protest the 2008 bailouts and stimulus package. Stick a cork in it, people! Better yet, a giant piece of bread! Tomorrow I'm going to a lovely gathering of very liberal friends, and while we discuss politics and current events, we'll be chowing down on some yummy bread...if I can make it in time!
WHAT YOU'LL KNEAD: (From Cooks Illustrated)
3 Cups unbleached all purpose flour, plus additional for dusting work surface.
1/4 teaspoon instant yeast
1 1/2 teaspoons table salt
3/4 cup plus two tablespoons water at room temperature
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons mild-flavored lager
1 Tablespoon white vinegar

1.) Whisk flour, yeast and salt in large bowl. Add water, beer and vinegar. Using rubber spatula, fold mixture scraping up dry flour from bottom of bowl until shaggy ball forms. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and let sit at room temperature for 8 to 18 hours.

2.) Lay 12 by 18 inch sheet of parchment paper inside a 10 inch skillet and spray with nonstick cooking spray. Transfer dough to lightly floured work surface and knead 10 to 15 times. Shape dough into ball by pulling edges into middle. Transfer dough, seam side down, to parchment lined skillet and spray surface of dough with nonstick cooking spray. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let rise at room temperature until dough has doubled in size and does not readily spring back when poked with finger, about 2 hours.

3.) Place oven rack to lowest position. Place 6 to 8 quart dutch oven (with lid) on rack and heat oven to 500 degrees. Lightly flour top of dough and, using sharp knife, make one 6-inch long, 1/2 inch deep slit along top of dough. Carefully remove pot from oven and lid. Pick up dough by lifting parchment overhand and lower into pot. Cover pot and reduce heat to 425 and bake covered for 30 minutes. Remove lid and continue to bake until loaf is deep brown and instant read thermometer inserted into center registers 210 degrees, 20 to 30 minutes longer. Carefully remove bread from pot; transfer to wire rack and cool to room temperature.
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: I know after reading above you'll think this is far too complicated and takes wayyyy too long, but you won't regret it and it's TOTALLY EASY! 22 hours
COST: Under $5
STRESS LEVEL: Fun chat over delicious homemade bread: LOW

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