Do you ever feel like there's a dark cloud following you everywhere you go? In the stormy northeast I've felt like that because, well, there is, but this Seattle-born transplant happens to love it! The last few days have brought dark, beautiful clouds swooping over the hills that surround our property. With dark clouds comes rain and thanks to that rain the trees, grass, plants and flowers are all coming alive after seven months of cold, dark winter. I've spent two full seasons on the east coast so far and am totally amazed how the cycle of life works. What disappears in the fall pops right back up in the spring. The colors, yes, are amazing but what catches this southern California boy by storm is the constant reminder of how beautiful life is. In the haste of any given day in LA it was easy for me to lose sight of what was most important as I zipped down concrete paths to nowhere in particular, spewing petrol into the orange sky. Don't get me wrong, I love (and miss) the crisp, sweet life California offers everyone and anyone willing to take a chance walking on shaky ground, but to literally watch life pass by in front of my eyes is breathtaking. So, I took a minute today...between passing sit and enjoy the delicious smell of fresh flowers in our side yard. Then I stood up and noticed a huge, dirty rust stain on my new pants. While the forsythia always blooms in April and the bright pink flowers of the magnolia never fail to wink our way, outdoor furniture doesn't always survive a rainy day! So, while I thank the heavens above for this beautiful land we are so lucky to walk on, I thank the Home Depot a few miles below our home for rescuing me on a day like today. To breathe new life into old, iron chairs I purchased a can of Rust-Oleum ultra cover metallic aluminum spray paint for $3.75. One can covered three chairs and took these once sad, dark pieces into another world!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: fifteen minutes
COST: $3.75
STRESS LEVEL: finding a silver lining: LOW

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