As a kid growing up in the dry desert climates of New Mexico and Southern California I loved escaping the summer heat by heading to visit family in Michigan. While Michigan summers tend to be moist and muggy, I fell in love with the great lakes state and its miles of forests, beautiful lakes and daily passing thunderstorms. They, in fact, became a part of our daily routine because when it rained, we poured inside and played solitaire with Grandma and Grandpa while the sky flashed and rumbled outside. As the storm passed we'd dash outdoors at dusk to chase fireflies, catch a glimpse at wandering deer and collect sticks to use as fishing poles the next day. At a time when kids are bombarded with electronic distractions like ipods, iphones, texting, tweeting, facebooking and everytyhing else-ing, I'm grateful to have memories of sitting next to a bonfire with family laughing and sharing stories, and not googling "how to have fun"on my blackberry. It's no surprise then that I fell in love with New York the minute our squeaky rented motorhome pulled into our driveway two years ago. It's almost like the fireflies were waiting for me...actually, last week when we sat outside to enjoy the warm, bright evening, it felt like the mosquito's had never left my face. That love of everything green and moist, you see, comes at a cost. My fond memories are also laced with the annoying buzz of a 2AM mosquito around my ear. That one you can never find when you turn on the lights! So, to keep the annoying flies at bay and enjoy the end of a long day fireside, we purchased SMUDGE POTS from Plow & Hearth. Not your fathers bug deflector, these retro designed citronella torches are modeled after the lamps once used as warning lights for road construction. This summer sit back, relax and enjoy wherever you are. Don't get bugged, get lit!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK:Usually ships in 2-3 days
COST: Smudge Pots are $24.95/each at
STRESS LEVEL: Time flies by when you're having a nice time outdoors without bugs: LOW

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