Last week we were hit with what proved to be one of the most powerful snow storms I have ever experienced. What meteorologist initially predicted would be a "light dusting" turned out to be 36" of white stuff that knocked lights out across the northeast for days! No power in our neck of the woods means no water either. Picture it: no brushing, no flushing, no power no shower. While I love watching the snow fall, when trees fall on power lines life gets a little more interesting. Whether you live in the south or South Dakota, it seems like everyone eventually faces Mother nature and her temper. From earthquakes and hurricanes to dust storms and thunderstorms, any time of year anyone can lose power but you don't have to lose your patience if you beware and prepare. When we lived in Southern California we lost power in earthquakes, high wind storms and fire storms so we had an "earthquake kit" equipped with flashlights, portable radios, batteries, water canned food, can opener and first aid kit. In New York we lose power during summer storms and winter white outs so to get ready for the dark I had a light bulb moment: stock up on candles! Ikea, Walmart and Target sell bags of 100 votive candles for under $5. Placed in a large clear vase, the light thrown from them will amaze you. We found cheap flashlights at the Home Depot and before the storm dropped I filled every bowl in our house with water (place it in bathrooms for brushing and flushing). To save frozen goods in the fridge and freezer I packed a cooler full of snow and dropped them in, safe from the storm. While you might not know when the lights will go out, if you prepare you won't have to pout!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Thirty minutes to put power kit together
COST: candles : $3.50 at Ikea, flashlights $.99 at Home Depot, Coleman lantern at walmart: $19.99, camping cooktop at target: $9.99
STRESS LEVEL: ready for the storm: LOW

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