When I read the news this morning that Sarah Palin will be paid $1 million dollars an episode in an upcoming television series where she tours her home state of Alaska, I wanted to puke. I will, however, keep the thoughts of rage racing through my blood to myself as I navigate through my day today. On the other side of our lovely country, Jessie emailed me yesterday from Ohio with a question about staging her house for the real estate market. She sent me a few photos of her main floor asking, specifically, what she should edit out in order to lure buyers in. Her lovely home on a beautiful tree-lined street in a Columbus suburb, while beautifully decorated, is filled with religious memorabilia. As God as my witness, I have nothing against people with strong religious beliefs, but when it comes to selling a home a sharp edited eye is key. The same can be said for ones political views; if talks of religion and politics should remain out of polite conversation, the same can be said for staging a home for the broad views of the potential home buyer. Who knows if the person walking through your front door will find offense with the cross hanging over your sofa, the photo of Pat Robertson in your kitchen or the McCain/Palin poster in your front yard. Want to sell it? Then ZIP it!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: A good eye can edit a house in an afternoon. Walk through the rooms of your home with an honest eye and remove the items that might offend potential buyers.
COST: If you DON'T edit: could cost you a sale!
STRESS LEVEL: a few quick edits and (Gid willing) sell a house: LOW

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