If you held a gun to my head (and please don't) I couldn't tell you who played in the Superbowl last year, let alone who's playing this year. While I love many things...a delicious glass of red wine, fresh cut flowers, a warm fire, freshly fallen snow, the smell of a Christmas tree, men in tight pants....I've never, ever understood America's fascination with football. Now, hold that same gun to my head (again, please don't) and ask where to find great deals on housewares, no problem! I can plan your Superbowl party, I just don't want to attend it! A friend of mine called to ask where she could find cool, inexpensive dishes for her Superbowl party and the smart ass in me told her to look in the paper-product aisle of K-Mart, then I remembered my random search a few days ago that had me staring in the eye of a barrel...Crate and Barrel ( where, after clicking on "outlet" you'll find unbelievable deals on everything from $3 wine glasses, $.95 shot glasses and bowls for as low as $1/piece. The set of super bowls I picked up above went for $7.95/for a set of six. Talk about a Win/Win!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Visit a store or purchase online
COST: $7.95 for a set of six white deep cereal/soup bowls at
STRESS LEVEL: picking a winning super bowl: LOW

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