Last weekend we walked into a home in upstate New York and picked up a few pieces of furniture for our cavernous living room. Lured by an incredibly gracious family member who offered for us to, "come and take whatever you'd like" we jumped in Joe's truck and headed north. It was a beautiful drive over a river through the woods, traversing snowy hills and passing two lovely prisons along the way. When we walked into the room Joe went straight for this chair, and I wanted to kill him! "We can recover it" he said with a smile as I, left eye twitching thinking about the money I spent over the holidays, said "grrreeeaaat. I love it!" As Joe carried the lovely bucket chair out to the truck, I sat back in a pink Lazy-Boy thinking, oh fu*k! While I'd love to head to a fancy store in SoHo and buy the nicest chair they have, I can barely afford a HoHo so need to make this work! To my horror the chair I was sitting in starting lifting...little did I know I had sat on the remote mechanism that literally lifted this little beauty into a standing position. (Dad, guess what next years Christmas present is??) Back on our farm, this chair is about as out of place in our living room as I am at a football game, but with a little fairy dust I'm sure we'll give it new life! As I've mentioned in the last month, Ikea has fantastic deals on fabric starting at $1.99/yard (that's under $10 to recover this one...if we knew how to sew!). Because this chair has more complicated lines than others we've recovered using a staple gun, we headed to Barnes and Noble where we purchased a How-To-Upholster book for $10. To my surprise, it's a heck of a lot easier than I thought. I'm armed with my fabric and an idiots guide to sewing. Wish me luck and check back in to see how I did!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: if I killed Joe instead of accepting gift: 20-Life. Recovering chair: yet to be seen!
COST: 3 yards of fabric at Ikea: $7.98
STRESS LEVEL: so far, so good: LOW

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