One of my favorite things about this season is walking into a home and smelling fresh pine. In the Prius-driving, tree-hugging, do-everything-to-save-earth-after-we've-screwed-it-up world we're living in today, however, artificial trees are not only politically correct, but they're environmentally friendly too. Last year I suggested buying pine-scented candles and apologize to anyone who ran out and purchased them. I bought about twelve and spent the better part of the holiday trying to track down the scent of rotting squirrel in our home, until I realized it was the disgusting candles I praised. So, this year I have a new tip for those who are faking it. The Home Depot has incredibly beautiful, inexpensive, REAL wreaths. We bought a 36" fresh Balsam Wreath for $15, decorated it with things we found in our yard and hung it on a window in our living room. It's gorgeous, smells like Christmas and makes me smile every time I walk into the room. To keep it fresh as a daisy, I spray it every morning with a spray bottle filled with cold water (a good idea for those of you with fresh trees, too, as long as your lights are indoor/outdoor). So, love the earth, enjoy the holiday and bring a fresh pine into your holiday design.
WHAT YOU'LL NEED/TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: We hung our wreath in the window with twine. Took us less than ten minutes.
COST: for the 35" Balsam Wreath at the Home Depot: $15.00
STRESS LEVEL: Finding pine that's simply Divine: LOW

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