I'm often fascinated by public restrooms...not in the creepy, closet-case Senator hanging out in an airport tapping his foot looking for some action kind of way...but I always wonder, are people really this disgusting at home? For example, I stepped into the restroom of a swanky New York hotel to relieve myself (of course I'm pee shy, so couldn't) and staring at me above the urinal was a carefully placed booger next to a note reading, "this one's for you bud." Now, I don't think a Wall Street broker did that, but there's something about a public restroom that leads people to believe it's okay to write on walls, forget to flush and, well, act like repulsive idiots. Don't even get me started on restrooms in High Schools or other places where teenagers hang out! So, while designing the bedroom suite of a Manhattan teenager I thought (to his mothers horror) why not make his bathroom look like a public toilet? A classy, clean public toilet, that is! Now the smart-mouthed boy can vent on the walls of his bathroom and not the streets of Manhattan!
COST: $10.99 for a quart of chalkboard paint at the Home Depot
STRESS LEVEL: Creating a wall for street talk: LOW

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