I'm a snob. There, I said it. Unfortunately, the balance in my bank account doesn't reflect my highfalutin wants and needs. Dress me up in an expensive suit, fly me first class and drive me around town in a matter how you look at it, I have Champagne taste and a beer income. So, how do I make my home look like a million dollar mansion? I pinch pennies where I can and surf the Internet for great deals on cool stuff. Thanks to my mother-in-law I happened upon the JC Penny outlet online (google "JC Penny Outlet" and it will take you right there). Now, honestly, I don't shop at JC Penny. Ever. I hate Walmart because the employees look like they do nothing but eat Twinkies and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. I don't go to dollar marts because they make me itch. I don't shop at discount food markets and I don't shop at JC Penny. Until now. Head to this cool site and you'll find great discounts on everything from sheets to curtains, pots and pans to bed pans. The bed above, for example, is only $279! I bought a similar bed years ago at Crate & Barrel for over $1,000! So, want your place to look like a million bucks? Then pinch pennies where it counts!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: 7-10 days for delivery (online shopping means you don't have to be seen in tacky stores!)
COST: $279.99 for the bed above at the JC Penny outlet!
STRESS LEVEL: Saving a bucket of Pennies shopping at Penny's: LOW

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