Designing a tight space can be challenging, creating space where there wasn't any is like stuffing toothpaste back into the tube. When it came to creating a closet fit for a Queen in Manhattan I turned to the king of closet organization, Closet World, for assistance. After delivering a quote of over $15,000.00 to outfit a tiny apartment closet I threw on my cape, threw out the quote and headed to the Home Depot for my own, inexpensive solution. Pegboard, used in many Garage areas, tool sheds and gardens, can also be used in tight spaces (like closets) to hang belts, ties, purses and other closetry items. If you're stuck in a small closet, better make it pretty!
Pegboard is sold in sheets so before heading to your home improvement center measure the area where you'd like to hang extra closet items (on a blank wall or behind clothes, for example). Purchase thin pieces of wood to hang behind the pegboard (so hooks have room to insert and hang), cut to size and hang on wall. In no time at all you, too, can walk out of the with a smile on your face!
COST: Pegboard from the Home Depot: $8.50/sheet. "S" hooks: $2.95
STRESS LEVEL: Coming out of the closet with a smile on my face: LOW

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