
My name is Paul Hecht and I'm pee shy. There, I said it. Ah, that feels much better. Ask anyone I know and they'll tell you I can do (or say) just about anything in public, but ask me to relieve myself in a filthy, public restroom...next to impossible. I'm not sure where this irrational fear of public urination came from but it's getting a little easier as I grow older. Why am I divulging this little secret in a blog about dining and designing? Well, the other day I faced my fear on a long flight from the west coast to New York. After filling myself with gallons of delicious water my mother had prepared (a great tip, by the way...pour a pitcher of water and fill it with cucumber, lemon, orange or anything else you love and leave it in your refrigerator. Guests, like me, will LOVE it and you'll save money on fruity, fatty sugar water) somewhere over the midwest it wanted out of my body. An airplane bathroom is the worst for a pee-shy person. Standing there, bouncing around in a two square foot, tin-can, public porta potty 36,000 feet above Omaha I chanted my pee song..."Water, water, water, water, water." And, to my delight it worked. So, I headed back to my seat next to the snoring man and belching baby and patted myself on the back for facing my fear AND learning a new, great, inexpensive tip.
COST: $0. I pour a pitcher of tap water and add cucumber from our backyard or grapefruit we've purchased from the grocery store. Delicious!
STRESS LEVEL: Delicious, free water, water, water, water..LOW

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