When I don't understand something I research it in an attempt to educate myself. Today's lesson: The Superbowl. While I won't be perched on a salmon-colored lazy boy this weekend with a beer in one hand, remote in the other while screaming at the television, the event (and the fans) fascinate me. I had no idea it was created in 1967 as part of an agreement between the NFL and the American Football League. Nor did I know that Superbowl Sunday is the second largest US food consumption day following Thanksgiving! When I think of the Superbowl I think of the Fiesta Bowl, the Orange Bowl and the Rose Bowl...beautifully displayed on the shelves in our kitchen. Years ago thumbing through a Martha Stewart Living magazine I happened upon an article featuring my favorite bowl yet..the Yellowware bowl. From the 1830's until the 1940's when pyrex took over, Yellowware was all the rage in American Kitchens. The ceramic pieces are fired from fine yellow clay that lines the riverbeds from New York to Ohio and come in all shapes and sizes, usually decorated with simple, beautiful bands of color. Walk through any antique store and you'll find them on the shelves. The glaze, however, contains led so avoid using cracked pieces in the preparation of food or storage of items in the refrigerator. If you don't have time to comb the aisles of antique stores, walk down the aisle at Target next to the combs where you'll find an updated version of this beautiful classic. So, if you're watching the superbowl this weekend grab one of these super bowls, throw some popcorn in it and enjoy!
COST: Original Yellowware bowls range from $6.00+. Target's version: $15.99
STRESS LEVEL: Loving my Super Bowls: LOW

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