Just like a massage parlor in Chinatown, a little rub goes a long, long way! If you like the stinking rose as much as we do, chances are you've enjoyed the lingering smell of garlic on your fingers for days after cooking. I've mentioned this secret tip before (rubbing your hands on stainless steel to get rid of the garlic smell) but browsing the aisles of Williams Sonoma this holiday I found one of Joe's favorite Christmas presents for a steal...the stainless steel bar to rid your hands of nasty odors! Stainless steel has magical deodorizing/odor neutralizing power that can wipe the pungent scents from things like garlic, onion, and fish away from your skin. There isn't a clear chemical explanation, but it's been hypothesized that sulfurous compounds are somehow catalyzed by the steel (actually, that's exactly what Joe told me!). So, some clever entrepreneur came up with a stainless steel "soap" product, essentially a block of metal in soap shape, to rid your skin of whatever stink ails you. If you don't want to fork up the dough for a bar just rub your hands on your stainless steel me, a few rubs and the stink is gone!
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Twenty seconds to remove scent
COST: $8.99 at Williams Sonoma (or free if you rub your hand on a stainless steel surface)
STRESS LEVEL: Stealing this great idea: LOW

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