While kids in classrooms across America stand at attention facing the flag, hands over hearts I, too, stand in our home with my hand on my swiffer reciting my pledge: "I pledge allegiance to my pad in the United States of America, and to the filth for which I cannot stand, our home so help me God, I shall make dirt invisible to bring liberty and cleanliness for all who visit." While I pray for peace and order, I slip up from time to time. Today, after dusting a seventy year old hutch within an inch of its life, stepping back to admire my work I slipped and fell. If you have wood, maybe you can relate..get it wet and sticky, and you might just go down on it! When spraying pledge all over the hutch, I overshot and got it all over our wood floors. A bad combination! If you've done it, you know it's a pain to get rid of. So, I grabbed a bottle of windex and sprayed the floors...the ammonia in the windex cuts the oil of the pledge...ahhh, the Republic (and I) can now stand!
COST: Windex $4.99
STRESS LEVEL: Free from dirt: LOW

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