A penny saved is a penny...taxed!  Today was no different from any other; we walked the dogs, made coffee, talked about our move, talked each other off the ledge and prepared for the day.  Joe jumped in the car for his commute to Burbank, I jumped in my Ugg slippers for my commute down the hall to file taxes electronically.  Sidetracked by random acts of Attention Deficit Disorder (I noticed a pile of laundry on the sofa, folded it, turned on the Today Show, noticed a scratch on the wall above the TV, ran to the garage, grabbed paint brush, noticed open dryer, loaded it, came back into house, paused in kitchen forgetting why I'd gone to garage in first place, thought about Joe so poured myself another cup of coffee (cup-of-Joe for those slower than most), remembered dishwasher was full so emptied, headed back towards den passing empty box, decided to pack coffee table books (labeled with red dot), then thought....I hate paying taxes!) needless to say, my commute was a long one this morning! So, at the advice of my dear friend Deb, I focused, walked down the hall and dealt with my debt by logging onto www.samsclub.com and purchased TURBO TAX so I'll never have to worry about filing late again!  
TIME TO COMPLETE TASK: Five minutes (minus three hour sidetracks)
COST: $49.00 (My accountant was  $500 this year..that'll be a $451.00 savings next year!)
STRESS LEVEL: Forgot to fold laundry..HIGH!

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