When did TV get so dirty? Sex, lies, hookers, stained dresses, liaisons in public restrooms, gay love triangles...and that's just the Politicians! While washing dishes this morning I heard the headlines buzzing in the background; the FCC is at it again, attempting to regulate obscene, indecent programming on the airwaves. Instructed by Congress, the FCC has pledged to work tirelessly to enforce the laws of decency in our country. Infractions are punishable by criminal fines and/or imprisonment. It's time the powers that be take a long, hard look at themselves. Mr. Craig, while you were hanging out in public restrooms looking for sex, I was with my partner hanging drywall in our bathroom (I know you think two men living together is dirty...). Spitzer, while you were trying to clean up the streets of New York (how does one do that from a hotel room??) we were cleaning up our rose garden! David Paterson, congratulations on your new position, but did we really need to know about your positions in the bedroom? Your obscene, indecent behavior has aired on every network, every hour of every day. While having Sex in the City, your Desperate Housewives have felt like Bachelorette's while you parade around pretending to be American Idols. Get back to work! Now back to my dirty dishes...
1.) In an attempt to save money in these hard times, we purchase larger quantities of items like dish soap. The bigger, the cheaper it tends to be but can be unsightly on the counter, so I place small amounts in vinaigrette jars and hide the rest. It's a little secret I keep under the counter!
COST: $2.00 for vinaigrette container at World Market (soap sold separately)
STRESS LEVEL: Knowing we're saving money AND clean, LOW

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