Bigger is always better, no matter what you've heard! Whether you have a 10,000 square foot estate or 100 square foot studio apartment, don't be afraid to top your walls off with something big! Many people struggle with the scale issue (and I'm not referring to the one we stand on in the morning praying to show us a magic number) but scale as it relates to your home. Tiny spaces, contrary to what you might think, don't need tiny pieces of furniture! Larger pieces of art, for example, will make the space look bigger, more inviting and dramatic. If you don't believe me, and many don't, try a little exercise before purchasing your next piece of art.
1.)Take whatever size you're planning on hanging (and, from previous posts, it better not be poster art..don't waste your a blank canvas instead and paint it your favorite color!) then take a newspaper and tape together a shape that is twice the size. So, if you're planning on purchasing an 8x10 photo of a kitty cat, tape together newspaper in a 16x20 piece.
2.) Hang on wall in location you'd planned on placing cat shot. Stand back. Take deep breath. Chances are, you'll agree bigger is indeed better!

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